Runseeker: The Nomadic Runner’s App

Product Design self-initiated project. I was tasked to create an app that would be used as a tool to help users complete a task more efficiently. Runseeker is a navigation app which helps runners who are in an unfamiliar area map out a safe route based off of how many miles they would like to run. Other features include: the option of running alone or with a group, personal and group training, tracking the stats of your runs and goals, chatting with other runners in the area, and users having their own profile page summarizing the runs they’ve participated in. To view the prototype click here.


Product Design

The intension behind building Runseeker was to help runners who had moved to a new area map out specific routes based off of how many miles they had to run that day. Runseeker offers an amazing opportunity for people who are training or would like to start training for races of all different lengths and levels of intensity. Whether running alone, or training with other dedicated runners in the area , Runseeker’s supportive community and a user-friendly interface makes it easy for athletes to spend more time running and less time planning.






Adobe XD

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